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Community Service
Decide what YOU want to do to make a difference in protecting our environment and helping our community. Here is list of ideas to start you off. Remember, together we can make a difference.

10 Things You Can Do To Protect The Environment
  1. Remember the Three R's: Reduce…Reuse…Recycle
  2. Drive less, walk and ride your bicycle more
  3. Buy green, such as recycled paper, chlorine-free or tree-free paper
  4. Look for products with minimal packaging or look for alternatives
  5. Conserve energy
  6. Don't litter
  7. Grow a Garden
  8. Volunteer
  9. Join a local, regional or national conservation organization
  10. Stay informed and learn about all the environmentally-friendly programs available

Tell Us Your Story
If you are involved with a program and would like to share with our PandaCorps™ friends, please click here to submit your story. We would love to hear about it.
PandaCorps Wants to Help You
PandaCorps™ supports programs and projects carried out by our members for the good of our planet and the people in our communities. (Learn more…)

Featured Article
How much do you know about Recycling?
Nowadays people know that it is important to recycle, so each week they put their used cans, glasses and paper products in the large green bins for pick-up by recycle companies. What they don't know is how important it is to recycle. Recycling is a great example of how a little goes a long way. Take a deeper look at the benefits of recycling various products. (Read more…)